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Showing posts with label 7th CPC Cabinet Approval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7th CPC Cabinet Approval. Show all posts

Friday, 15 July 2016

AIRF: Salary of August month will be based on 7th CPC recommendations

AIRF: Salary of August month will be based on 7th CPC recommendations

7th Pay Commission – Clarification regarding salaries to be paid

All India Railwaymen’s Federation
Dated: July 13, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!

In continuation of our earlier letter of even number dated 8th July, 2016, wherein clarification was issued, whether payment of salaries based on 7th CPC recommendations will be made from current month or otherwise, it is hereby clarified that; salary of August month will be based on 7th CPC recommendations.



Saturday, 9 July 2016

7th CPC Gazette Notification is expected early next week – AIRF

7th CPC Gazette Notification is expected early next week – AIRF

Finance Ministry to notify 7th Pay Commission soon...

There should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations approved by the government on 29th June, 2016 with only change that, all the allowances, as admissible at present, will continue till report of various committees set up for different purposes are finalized. Gazette Notification for the same is expected today or early next week.

All India Railwaymen’s Federation
Dated: July 8, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades,
Unwanted queries are being pouring in this office; regarding payment of 7th CPC based salaries from current month or otherwise.

There should not be any doubt that salary for the month of July onward will be based on 7th CPC recommendations approved by the government on 29th June, 2016 with only change that, all the allowances, as admissible at present, will continue till report of various committees set up for different purposes are finalized. Gazette Notification for the same is expected today or early next week.

Please disseminate this information down the line, so that direct queries from AIRF Office should stop.

Source : www.airfindia.com

No clarity in the Press Statements of both Government and NJCA on 7th CPC issues

NJCA need to Clarify the Doubts over 7th CPC Issues

 No clarity in the Press Statements of both Government and NJCA on 7th CPC issues

The six days Drama was come to an end yesterday. After the Union Cabinet Approved the implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations on 29th June 2016, a Meeting of NJCA leaders held on the next day on 30th June 2016. After the NJCA Meeting, some Leaders met the Group of Ministers at Home Minister’s Residence. It is said to be an informal meeting, so no any official announcement was made by Govt regarding this Meeting. But NJCA leaders told that GOM assured that they would refer this issue to a committee to review.

The same day, SRMU has declared that the Indefinite Strike is postponed based on the Govt assurance. From that day onwards there was lot of drama going on day to day over the issues of 7th CPC and Indefinite Strike

As per schedule the NJCA Leaders met on 6th July 2016 to decide on future course of Action. But the meeting was ended with a decision to postpone the Strike Action.

Finally, the Six Days confusion come to an end on 6th July after NJCA and Ministry of Finance issued Press Statements.

But Still there is no Clarity in these press statements on the following issues.
1. When will Notification for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations be published?

2. When will the CG Employees get 7th CPC salary.?

3. Why all allowances including HRA and TA referred to committee?

4. When will the revised rate of HRA and TA come into effect?

5. Does the NJCA really believe the proposed committee will recommend to increase Minimum Pay and Fitment Factor…?

6. If they believe so, why didn’t they say anything about the date on which the 7th CPC come into force…?

7. If 7th CPC comes into force from this Month, Does the NJCA believe the Minimum Pay and Fitment factor will be increased after four months?

8. Do the Govt and NJCA assure No Committee will be formed after four months…?

The NJCA has to clarify all these doubts to Central Government employees. If you have any other doubts, please comment.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Implementation of 7th CPC : Finance Ministry prepared a Cabinet note based on ECoS report – AIDTOA

Implementation of 7th CPC : Finance Ministry prepared a Cabinet note based on ECoS report – AIDTOA

Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry may be preparing a Cabinet note and the VII CPC issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet as early as June 29.

It seems that Govt. is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues. Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry may be preparing a Cabinet note and the issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet as early as June 29.

The Seventh CPC report was submitted on 19th November 2015 after a delay of about 3 months. The Government especially the Finance Minister had assured that the final decision over the report will be taken within 4 months. On 19th June 2016, the delay has crossed seven months. Till date the Govt. has not come forward for a negotiated settlement. Instead, Empowered Committee of Secretaries (ECoS) headed by Cabinet Secretary conducted a meeting with the staff side on 1st March 2016. In the meeting Govt. did not disclose its mind on any of the demands raised by the staff Side in the charter of demands submitted to Govt. Staff Side explained the justification for each demand but official side didn’t make any comment, either positive or negative. The concluding paragraph of the minutes of the meeting reads as follows:

“After hearing the participants, Cabinet Secretary observed that the deliberations have helped ECoS in understanding the major concerns of the staff side and said that all issues have been taken note of. He assured that fair consideration will be given to all points brought out by JCM before taking final views. He further stated that the ECoS needs to examine the Report of the Commission in entirety as well as the issues raised by JCM in consultation with all other stake holders. As such, it may take some time to take a final call on the recommendations of the Commission.”

It may be seen that, neither did the Govt. side made any commitment on any demands, nor did they indicate in the minutes that further discussion will be held with the staff side to arrive at a negotiated settlement on each demands. It seems that the Govt. is moving ahead to issue unilateral orders taking the staff side for a ride.

The JCM staff side Secretary, in his letter dated 2nd May 2016, addressed to Cabinet Secretary, has made the stand of the staff side clear, without any ambiguity. The letter reads as follows:

“I have been directed to draw your attention towards minutes of the Standing Committee of National Council JCM held on 7th May 2008 and our rejoinder submitted to Govt. in the matter of Report of 6th CPC.
You will kindly find that it was not only a general discussion, but also official side explained their views on each and every issue.

I would therefore request your good self to kindly arrange for similar type of meeting for bi-lateral settlement on each of the issues raised by the staff side, NC/JCM before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.”
Thus the picture is clear now. The Government, it seems, has a hidden agenda to take the staff side for granted without giving any further opportunity for a negotiated settlement. The staff side on the other hand has taken a position that if unilateral orders are issued, without taking the staff side into confidence, the NJCA shall go ahead with the indefinite strike from 11th July 2016 as already informed to the Govt.

The coming days are crucial. If the Govt. adopts delaying tactics or issue unilateral orders rejecting our demands, then confrontation shall become inevitable. The stand taken by the then Nehru Govt. that “Pay Commission report is an award and is not negotiable” has resulted in the historic indefinite strike of 1960, which commenced on July 11th midnight.

Central Government Employees and Officers comprising Railways, Defence, Postal and other Central Government departments are demanding modification in the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commissions including minimum wage and fitment formula. Other demands are scrapping of New Contributory Pension Scheme, No FDI in Railways and Defence, filling up of vacancies, No outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation and corporatisation etc.

The NJCA & CCGGOO had already given strike notice to Government. As the Government is not ready for a negotiated settlement, the Central Government employees and Officers have to intensify the campaign and preparations and make the strike a total success.

About 33 lakhs Central Government Employees and Officers will participate in the strike. 40 lakhs Central Government Pensioners have declared their solidarity with the strike. Central Trade Unions had also extended their full support. State Government Employees Federations have cautioned the Central Government that they will also be compelled to join the strike if Government refuses to settle the demands relating to 7th CPC recommendations as majority of the state Governments are implementing the Central pay parity to their employees also.

On the one hand NJCA & CCGGOO are fighting for the cause of Central Government Employees and Officers and on the other hand rumour mongers are spreading false news through social media. Rumour mongers are coming out daily with different kind of news and pay scales about 7th Pay Commission. Please don’t believe rumour mongers on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media sources.

There had been no meaningful discussions with the NJCA & CCGGOO so far. The computation of Minimum wage by the 7th CPC deserves to be rejected as the commission has, in a bid to suppress the entitlement doctored the formula itself. The wages of an MTS in civil service, who is a group C employee cannot be less than Rs 26000 on the basis of the formula evolved in 1957 to which the Government is a party. There cannot therefore be any question of reduction in the quantum of minimum wage.

The NPS, which the Government introduced for those joined after 1.1.2004 in Government service has to be construed as a fraud perpetuated and deserves to be abandoned. There cannot be two classes of civil servants in the country; one making contribution but still not getting any assured pension and the other entitled for a statutory defined pension without any contribution. Those who are covered by the NPS in Central Civil Service are now more than 40% of the total personnel. The Government must be bold enough to address this issue.

It is high time, that the Government comes forward, hold meaningful and fruitful discussion with NJCA & CCGGOO and settle the Charter of demands. The continued procrastination is a sure step to confrontation and the Central government employees in the Country will certainly commence the strike action from 11.7.2016.

The entire civil services, which include the Railways, Postal, Defence and all other services of the Government of India, will come to a grinding halt on 11.7.2016.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Meetings with 7th CPC and Cabinet Secretary – NC JCM Staff Side

Meetings with the VII CPC and the Cabinet Secretary – resentment conveyed to Govt. of India

Shiva Gopal Mishra 
Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com
Dated: November 20, 2015
All Constituents of the
National Council(JCM)

Dear Comrades,
Sub: Meetings with the VII CPC and the Cabinet Secretary

Today I met the Chairman, VII CPC, Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, and expressed our anguish against retrograde recommendations of VII CPC, particularly reg. Minimum Wage, reduction in HRA and CCL, non-redressal of NPS, abolition of various allowances, examination of MACP benefit, etc. etc.

Tough he had given argument, but I told him about the anguish of all the constituents of the JCM(Staff Side), who feel that they have been betrayed by the VII CPC.

Comrades! I have also met the Cabinet Secretary, Shri P.K. Sinha, in the afternoon and handed him over a copy of the attached letter and requested him to convene meeting of the NC/JCM at an earliest as well as to intervene in the matters raised by the JCA in case of report of VII CPC at an earliest. The Cabinet Secretary has promised that he would try to fix the meeting at an earliest and also look into the points raised by the NC/JCM(Staff Side) for VII CPC.

With fraternal greetings!
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source : http://ncjcmstaffside.com/

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