DoPT: Updation of data in Web-based cadre management System.
No: 21/1/2016/CS-I/PR/CMS
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-3
10th October, 2017
Khan Market, New Delhi-3
10th October, 2017
Subject: Web-based cadre management System - Upgradation of data of CSS officers/officials in the Grade of ASO/SO/Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary/Director who are likely to be transferred under Rotational Transfer Policy of DoPT or on promotion.
It is brought to the notice of all the officers of the rank of ASO, Section Officer, Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director of CSS Cadre, who are likely to be transferred under Rotational Transfer Policy of DoPT or on promotion that despite the lapse of more than four years since the CSCMS System was operationalized in the year 2013, complete and up-to-date data in respect of various grades of officers of CSS Cadre, is still not available in the system. Since, the prime objective of the web-based system is to ensure accurate real-time data of all the officers to enable this Division to take quicker decisions relating the cadre management functions and hence, unless and until the data is maintained up to date, the purpose of the cadre management system of DoPT is not completed.
2 The instructions in this regard, have already been issued to all cadre units Ministries/Departments from time to time and the same is also available on the website of this Department under the classification "Web Based Cadre Management", To ensure that up-to-date data of all officers of all grades is available so that transfers/promotions are done in an effective manner, all officers who have not updated their service details in the CSCMS Portal, may kindly get their details updated through their assigned Nodal Officers within three days from the issue of this letter. This practice will help in updating the CSCMS data in respect of various grades of officers of CSS and help CS-I Division in cadre management functions.
3 In case of any doubt I difficulty about the functioning of the system/ correctness of data In CSCMS, CS-I Division (Shri H.M. Malhotra, Section Officer {CMS/PR} / Shri Krishnandan Kumar. A.S O. {CMS/PR}, Telephone No, 24629414) may be contacted.
(Anil Tripathi)
Under Secy, to the Government of India
Tele: 2429412
Source: Download DoPT OrderUnder Secy, to the Government of India
Tele: 2429412