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Showing posts with label Sports DoPT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports DoPT. Show all posts

Monday, 22 April 2019

Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

DoPT Orders 2019: Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees
18/3/2017 -18-CCSCSB
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)


Room No. 361 , B Wing, 3rd Floor
lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 22.04.2019

Sub: Music and Dance competition for wards of Central Government Employees

Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board proposes to organise the Music and Dance competition for wards of Civilian Central Government Employees working at New Delhi at C.S.O.I. Auditorium on 21-22 May, 2019. The entry for the competition should be sent in the prescribed form to the Board's Office latest by 15th May, 2019 at Room No. 361 , 3rd Floor, lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi-11 0003 or by email at sportsdopt@gmail.com .

2. The Competition will in held in the following categories:
S.No.CategoryAge CategoriesBorn BetweenDuration
Music05-08 years15.05.2011 to 14.05.20143-5 Minutes
1.Instrumental Music
2.Classical Music (light + vocal) 09-12 years15.05.2007 to 14.05. 2010
3.Folk Music
Dance13-16 years15.05.2003 to 14.05.2006
1.Folk Dance
2.Western Dance
3.Classical Dance

3. Decision of the judges will be final and no appeal against their decision would be entertained.

4. For further queries, Ms. Neelu Suri (9910983139) Convener, CCSCSB (Music, Dance and Short Play) may be contacted .

The circular may be given wide publicity.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCSB)
The Welfare Officer of all Ministries/Departments
Area Welfare Officer of all Government colonies

Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Application form for Music & Dance Competition
(Attach two Photograph)
  1. Name of Participant :
  2. Date of Birth/Age :
  3. Name of Parents/Guardian :
  4. Telephone number of Parents/Guardian:
  5. Category in which to participate :
  6. Official Address of Parents/Guardian:
    (Enclose copy of I.D. Card of the parent and copy of CGHS Card of children)
  7. Residential Address:
(Signature of Parents/Guardian)


I understand that Board will take sufficient care about the general safety of the children during the competition. I shall not hold the CCSCSB responsible for any accident/casualty during the competition.
(Signature of Parents/Guardian)

Note. The competition would begin at 10:00 AM on both the days

i. Each participant should be accompanied by his/her guardian during competition.
ii. Food/Eatables will not be available in the premises of auditorium. Parents are requested to make their own arrangements.
iii. All the parents may ensure that their wards are dressed decently.
iv. Participation/Merit Certificates may be collected from Board's Office after two weeks of the event.

Source: DoPT

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