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Showing posts with label PBI Division. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PBI Division. Show all posts

Friday, 24 August 2018

Regarding arrangements and nomination of nodal officers for monitoring of preparations in Circles

Regarding arrangements and nomination of nodal officers for monitoring of preparations in Circles

No. 5-8/2018-PBI
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PBI Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 23rd August 2018
All Nodal Officers at Directorate

Subject: Nationwide rollout of India Post Payments Bank - regarding arrangements and nomination of nodal officers for monitoring of preparations in Circles.

The Department of Posts is rolling out 650 branches and 3250 access points of India Posts Payments Bank (IPPB) simultaneously across the country on 1st September 2018. The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India has kindly agreed to preside over the national level launch function which is scheduled at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi. Several Governors / Chief Ministers / Union Ministers / State Ministers / Member of Parliaments 1 Member of Legislative Assembly and other dignitaries and important personalities will be presiding the launch functions at 650 branches and 3250 access points which are being organized by the Circles across the country. The branch / access points level launch functions in the Circles will precede national level launch function at New Delhi. The combined Minute to Minute Programme for national and branch / access points level function is enclosed at Annexure - I.

The presence of Hon'ble Prime Minister and other important dignitaries / personalities in the branches and access points of IPPB across the country to simultaneously launch DoP's flagship project 'India Post Payments Bank' in 650 branches and 3250 access points will not only be historic in several aspects but will also provide massive outreach opportunity for the Department of Posts and India Posts Payments Bank (PPB) together.

Heads of Circles have been requested by the PBI Division to meticulously organize launch functions and put their best efforts at their disposal to make the simultaneous launch a grand success. The broad guidelines and checklist for organizing the launch events have already been shared with the Circles and Circles are already making adequate preparations accordingly.

Hon'ble Minister and Secretary (Posts) have been regularly reviewing the preparations of launch with HoCs and important suggestions / guidelines are given to Heads of Circles are also given responsibility of taking local level decision to organize the launch rather than waiting for instructions / guidelines from Directorate. The review meetings are being organized at the office of MoSC (I/C) on daily basis to monitor the preparations in the Circles which are currently being represented by PSI Division, IPPB and Delhi Circle. Secretary (Posts) has organized VC meetings with HoCs I PMsG I DPS which were webcasted also for larger audience in last two weeks.

Since the scale of the function is massive, it has been decided by the competent authority to nominate few SAG level officers working in the Dak Bhawan as nodal officers for reviewing preparations of the Circles for branch / access points launches and give Circle wise status update to Secretary (Posts) to appraise the Hon'ble Minister. The name of the officers and name of the Circles for which they are responsible for ensuring organization of successful launch functions is at Annexure -II. The nodal officers will continue to monitor the performance of Circles till the 100 days' rollout targets given to the Circles for customer and merchant onboarding Is successfully over.

The Heads of Circles are requested to liaison with the nodal officer for their Circle and seek support, if any, for the launch of IPPB in the Circles. They are requested to send a daily status update on the list of activities indicated in this letter to the nominated nodal officers by 4.00 pm on daily basis including weekend (25th & 26th August 2018).

The list of activities which are requested to be monitored / reviewed by the HoCs and nodal officers on daily basis is at Annexure - III. The list of activities is non-exhaustive and only indicative. Circle Heads I Nodal Officers are requested make suitable changes in the list, if required for review.
The overall responsibility of successfully organizing launch functions in the Circles rest with Head of Circles. The concerned CPMsG / PMsG / DPS should visit all venues of the branch and access points launch functions personally and physically verify the preparations / arrangement for the launch in terms of

a) Cleanliness post offices I venue where launch function is organized
b) Preparations for filling the venue to capacity including security
c) Coordination with District Administration / Police / Mayor Office / Municipalities
d) Arrangements for broadcast I webcast of national level launch function
e) Dais plan / seating arrangement! Backdrop
f) Placement of hoarding I signage of IPPB
g) Distribution of flyers! leaflets on IPPB
h) Branches are operational and transactions are taking place
i) End Users are adequately trained I retrained
j) Any other arrangement I preparation for safe and successful launch

The responsibility of organizing national level launch function at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi which will be presided over by the Hon'ble Prime Minister has already been given to CPMG, Delhi Circle. CPMG, Delhi Circle is attending review meeting at the office of MoSC (I/C) on daily basis and reviewing the progress of activities against a checklist. CSMO (IPPB) and his team is supporting CPMG. Delhi Circle for the National Level launch function and will continue to do so till the launch function is successfully over.

Secretary (Posts) will chair review meeting at 5.30 pm In the Board Room on dally basis from 23fd August 2018, to review the preparations of nationwide rollout of IPPB with nodal officers and CPMG Delhi Circle. DG (Post), Member (Technology) and CEO (IPPB) are also requested to attend the daily review meeting chaired by Secretary (Posts) at 5.30 pm in the Board Room.

Since a large number of dignitaries / guests / customers / public would be visiting Post Offices during the launch events which will provide huge outreach opportunity to the Members of Postal Services Board are requested to kindly review their areas of operations / services and take necessary action as well as issue necessary instructions to the Circles, if any. so that opportunity can be appropriately utilized by the Department for improving the image of the Department. Special focus may be given to the Customers and on Cleanliness of Post Offices.

All officers / employees of the Department of Posts and India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) are requested to constructively involve themselves with the launch function to make it a grand success.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).
(T.Q. Mohammad)
Secretary (PSB) & DDG (PBI)
DOPT, postal orders

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