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Showing posts with label JSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JSA. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Abolition of 85 percent post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA-Reminder No 2

Abolition of 85 percent post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA-Reminder No 2

Reminder No.2

No. 13/3/2016-CS.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of p.ersonnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS.II Division)

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003.
Dated: 31st May, 2016.


Subject: Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC) – reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 5th May, 2016 on the subject mentioned above and subsequent reminder dated 19th May, 2016 011 the subject mentioned above.

2. The Ministries/Departments shown in the Annexure are requested to take necessary action to abolish the remaining posts immediately and furnish a compliance report to DoP&T immediately along-with a copy of the Office Order of the number of posts abolished.

Encls: Annexure.

(Rajesh Sarswat)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel No. 24654020



Monday, 9 May 2016

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant and meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA

Decision was taken by the Cabinet after considering the recommendations of the report of First Cadre Restructuring of CSS.

Abolition of 85% post falling vacant and meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC)

DoPT has abolished 85% reservation for direct recruitment quota in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC) of CSCS based on Cadre Restructure committee recommendations.

No. 13/3/2016-CS.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS.II Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003.
Dated: 5th May, 2016.


Subject: Abolition of 85% post falling vacant meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC)-reg.
In pursuance of DoP&T’s O.M. No. 9/2/2003-CS-ll dated 20th April, 2005, it was decided to abolish 85% of the posts falling vacant on or after 03-10-2003 meant for direct recruitment quota in the grade of JSA (erstwhile LDC) of CSCS. The said decision was taken by the Cabinet after considering the recommendations of the report of First Cadre Restructuring of CSS.

2. However, it is observed that though a number of the cadre units have achieved the target of abolition of 85% of the posts falling vacant on or after 03-10-2003 meant for direct recruitment in the grade of JSA(erstwhile LDC) of CSCS every year. Some cadre units as shown in Annexure still have to achieve the target.

3. The Ministries/Departments shown in the Annexure are requested to take necessary action to abolish the remaining posts immediately and furnish a compliance report to DoP&T by 13th May, 2016 along-with a copy of the Office Order of the number of posts abolished. The deadline may please be strictly adhered to.

(Rajesh Sarswat)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Download DoPT OM No. 13/3/2016-CS.II(B) dated 05.05.2016

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