Explore the possibility of allowing an employer to undertake tour outside India once in his life time in lieu of the LTC.
Over the years, on representation from employees, the concession has been widened. However, some aspects of this facilities require certain further relaxations/improvements. We enumerate those as under:-
Leave Travel ConcessionThe facility provides him with an opportunity to be away from the monotonous daily routine and be with his family without the botherisation of the official duties. It is an established fact that if employer is encouraged to take such holidays they will reform rejuvenated and the employer is benefitted through his increased productivity.
Leave Travel Concession is a facility extended to the Government employees, which enables scheme to avail holidays and undertack travel as a tourist with his family.
Over the years, on representation from employees, the concession has been widened. However, some aspects of this facilities require certain further relaxations/improvements. We enumerate those as under:-
1. Permission for air journey for all categories of employees to and from NE Region.We request the 7th CPC to consider recommending our suggestion for improvements to the Government.
2. Permission for personnel posted in NE Region for a journey within NE Region.
3. To increase the periodicity of the LTC once in two years.
4. Explore the possibility of allowing an employer to undertake tour outside India once in his life time in lieu of the LTC.