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Showing posts with label DACP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DACP. Show all posts

Monday, 16 September 2019

Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m. + DA thereon to the IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- under DACP Scheme

 IRMS - Indian Railway Medical Service

Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m. + DA thereon to the IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- under DACP Scheme

(Railway Board)
S.No.PC-VI/ 397
No. PC-V/2010/A/TA/1

RBE No.138/2019
New Delhi, dated 21-08-2019

The General Manager/CAO(R)
All Zonal Railways & PUs
(As per mailing list)

Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m. + DA thereon to the IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- under DACP Scheme.

Also check: Regarding Payment of Conveyance Allowance to IRMS Doctors

Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 25-08-2015 whereby Railways were advised to keep in abeyance the payment of Transport Allowance @ Rs.7000/-p.m. + DA thereon to IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- under DACP Scheme. Subsequently, as per the interim order dated 27-10-2015 of Hon’ble CAT/New Delhi in O.A No.3528/2015, Railways were advised vide this office letter of even number dated 06-11-2015 that the payment of Transport Allowance to IRMS officers @Rs.7000/-p.m. + DA thereon, be continued till further orders.

2. The Hon’ble CAT/ New Delhi vide order dated 28-05-2019 has now disposed of the said O.A No. 3528/2015 has observed as under :-

    "The OA is, therefore, disposed of directing the respondents to take a final decision regarding extension or otherwise of the Transport Allowance at the rate of Rs: 7000/- per month plus DA, to the members of the applicant Association, within a period of three months from the receipt of this order. However, the amount already paid towards the said allowance shall not be recovered, and the respondents shall not be under an obligation to pay the said allowance until a final decision is taken. There shall be no orders as to costs."

3. The matter has been accordingly considered by the competent authority and in view of fact that IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- (now pay level -14) under DACPS except those who are holding pinpointed administrative SAG posts mentioned in Board’s letter No.2009/H/16/1DACP dated 26-02-2009, are not entitled for use of official car in terms of Board’s letter No.E(G)95AL4-9, dated 06-11-1995, it has been decided that such officer shall not be eligible to opt for higher rate of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/- p.m.+DA thereon (which now stands revised to Rs.15750/- p.m.+DA thereon based on the recommendations of the 7th CPC). These officers are entitled for Transport Allowance @Rs.7200/3600 + D.A thereon as per row- 2 of Board’s letter of even number dated 3-8-2017.

Check this: Designations of doctors belonging to IRMS and Dental Doctors under the Ministry of Railways on posting to clinical posts

4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board.

5. Hindi version will follow.

Subhankar Dutta
Dy. Director, Pay Comission-5
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways


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