A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Showing posts with label Anomaly Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anomaly Committee. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Anomalies Committee for CPSEs - OM dt.10.7.2018

Anomalies Committee for CPSEs - OM dt.10.7.2018

Pay Revision of Board & below Board level Executives of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2007- Government Decision on the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee- regarding.

No.W-02/0030/2018-DPE (WC)-GL- XVIII/18
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block No. 14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Dated,the July,2018

Subject: Pay Revision of Board & below Board level Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Government decision on the recommendations of the Anomalies Committee- regarding.

The Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) vide O.M. No.2(70)/2018- DPE (WC)-GL-XVI/08 dated 26.11.2008 established an Anomalies Committee consisting ofthe Sectætaries or the Department of Public Enterprises, Department of Expenditure and Department of Personnel & Training. The Anomalies Committee was constituted to address issues/problems arising while implementing the recommendations of 2nd Pay Revision Committee (PRC) for the CPSEs by the Government.

2. The Anomalies Committee gave its recommendations on various issues referred to it by the administrative Ministries/Departments regarding the 2nd PRC related guidelines for its consideration. Consequently, DPE issued the following guidelines vide its OMs dated 26.10.2010, 08.06.2009, 24.09.2010, 0106.2011, 03.06.2011 and 29.06.2012 for implementing the anomalies committee’s decisions.

3. Now for the sake of convenience of all the stakeholders, the said DPE OMs have been collated as under:

(i) Deputation or the Government Officers in CPSEs
a) The Government officers already on deputation with the CPSEs as on 26.11.2008 (the date of issue of 0.M. by the DPE regarding the revision of scale of pay of the executives and non-unionised supervisors of CPSEs) will continue to avail of the option already available and exercised by them till the end of their deputation tenure. The extension, if any given after 26.11.2008 will not qualify for this dispensation.

b) The Board level executives who have been selected through PESB mechanism in IDA scales, and appointed on deputation basis, by ACC/Competent Authority prior to 26.11.2008 will continue to get the same scales with all its associated benefits till the end of their tenure.

c) It may be emphasized that the pay revision of the executives is a total package and the
scales, perks and allowances should not be mixed. Accordingly the executives getting the CDA pay scales will continue to get benefits, perks and allowances applicable to CDA scales and executives who are getting IDA pay scales will get perks and allowances applicable to IDA scales.

d) The above decisions are enabling provisions. All the conditions indicated in DPE O.Ms dated 26.11.2008, 09.02.2009 and will be applicable mutatis mutandis to such executives also.
(ii) Self- Lease
(a) Every CPSE must have a Rent Assessment Committee (RAC), which would assess the market tent for categories of executives and non-unionised supervisors, entitled for lease/self-lease accommodation and also the maximum ceiling of reimbursement depending upon the company’s capacity to pay. The RAC may include Members from Finance, HR., Civil Engineering, Law etc. as deemed appropriate.

(b) The RAC will also decide on rent recovery, for which DPE guidelines as applicable to Board level Executives (10% of Basic pay) will be kept in view.

(c) For purposes of CTC, 30% of Basic Pay is required to be considered on housing as per Para 8 of DPE O.M. dated 26.11.2008. This is not meant to a ceiling and tberefore, this should not be treated as the maximum limit for a leased accommodation.

(d) The Board of Directors of CPSEs must ensure that self- leased accommodation does not become an additional source of income to the employee. The precautions as indicated in DPE O.Ms dated 20.05.2009 and will also be kept in view.
(iii) Expenditure on Hospitals, Colleges, Schools. Clubs etc.
The percentage towards expenditure on Hospitals, Colleges- Schools, Clubs etc. should be as close to actual and should be assessed preferably every financial year.

(iv) Encashment of Leave
(a) DPE O.M. dated 05.08.2005 provides for a maximum ceiling of Earned Leave that can be accumulated. CPSCs are not permitted to encash leave beyond 300 days at the time or retirement of an employee of CPSE. The employees are not permitted to accumulate more than 300 days as specified under DFE guidelines.

(b) Casual Leave must not encashed at all and shall lapse at the end of the calendar year.

(c) The component of leave encashment during service i.e. the expenditure on leave encashment, will not be treated Perks and Allowance. It will not however, be treated as pay and accordingly not qualify for any other benefit like HRA. etc.
(d) Leave encashment on Superannuation will not be part of 30% ceiling of Basic Pay and DA for superannuation benefits.

(v) Non-practicing Allowance (NPA)
NPA will not be considered as pay for the purpose of calculating other benefits.

(vi) Keeping various allowances/benefits/ perks including project allowance, higher conveyance allowance to persons with disabilities, etc. outside the 50% allowances ( i.e. Of Basic Pay).
No other allowances/benetit/perks will be kept outside the prescribed 50% ceiling except the four which have been mentioned in the DPE O.M dated 26.11.2008.

(vii) Procedure of pay fixation in some past cases of pay of Board Level Executives
a) Since the percentage based increment during the periodicity of 1997 pay revision was granted with the approval of the Competent Authority to specific CPSEs, would not be proper to consider notional increment and stagnation increment based on fixed elements.
b) Stagnation increment can only be granted after reaching the maximum of scalc of pay. once after two years and a maximum of three only. This mechanism was applicable upto 31.12.2006.
(viii) Bunching of Increment.
The benefit of bunching of increments be extended to board executives of CPSEs also, where applicable, as per para (iii) of DPE 0M. dated 26.11.2008.

4. Any decision as mentioned above, if result in financial burden on the concerned CPSE, it may be requested to keep in mind the provisions relating to affordability, no budgetary support from Government, internal generation of resources, sustainability and capacity to pay by the concerned CPSE.

5. The effective date, if not specifically mentioned above would be dealt per the DPE OMs dated 26.11.2008, 09.02.2009 and 02.04.2009.

6. All administrative Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these consolidated DPE guidelines to the notice of CPSEs under their administrative control for strict compliance.
(A K Khurana)
Source: https://dpe.gov.in/

Sunday, 14 May 2017

7th Pay Commission: Time limit to dispose of pay-related anomalies extended to November 15th

7th Pay Commission: Time limit to dispose of pay-related anomalies extended to November 15th
The DoPT had last year asked all central government departments to set up committees to look into various pay related anomalies.

The Centre has extended the time limit to receive and dispose of pay related anomalies for central government employees by three months. November 15th will be the deadline to resolve any discrepancy arising out of the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission. The earlier date was August 15.

The centre has accepted most of the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission which will be implemented from January 1 2016.

The time limit for receipt of anomalies is extended by three months from the date of expiry of receiving anomalies i.e. from February 15, 2017 to May 15, 2017," the DoPT order said. The DoPT had last year asked all central government departments to set up committees to look into various pay related anomalies. The anomaly committees were to be formed at two levels- national and departmental-consisting of representatives of the official side and the staff side of the national council and the departmental council respectively.

The DoPT had said that the Department Anomaly Committee will deal with anomalies pertaining exclusively to the department concerned and having no repercussions on the employees of another ministry or department. Cases where there is a dispute about the definition of anomaly and those where there is a disagreement between the staff side and the official side on the anomaly will be dealt by an "arbitrator", to be appointed out of a panel of names proposed by the two sides, it had said. Now the deadline of November 15th has been fixed as the date to resolve any discrepancy arising out of the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission.

Via: 7CPC

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Disability Pension for Soldiers

Disability Pension for Soldiers

The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) recommended the following on disability pension:

The Commission is of the considered view that the regime implemented post 6th CPC needs to be discontinued, and recommended return to the slab based system. The slab rates for disability element for 100 percent disability would be as follows:

RanksLevelsRate per month (INR)
Service Officers10  and  above27000
Honorary Commissioned Officers
Subedar Majors / Equivalents6 to 917000
Subedar / Equivalents
Naib Subedar / Equivalents
Havildar / Equivalents5 and below12000
Naik / Equivalents
Sepoy / Equivalents

The above recommendation has been accepted and Resolution dated 30.09.2016 issued accordingly.
The 6th CPC dispensation of the calculation of disability element on percentage basis, however, continues for civil side which has resulted in an anomalous situation. The issue has accordingly been referred to the Anomaly Committee. The disability element which was being paid as on 31.12.2015 will, however continue to be paid till decision on the recommendations of Anomaly Committee is taken by the Government.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr. Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Shri Husain Dalwai in Rajya Sabha today.


Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commissions recommendations.

Modification in the definition of anomaly - DoPT Orders 
Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commissions recommendations.


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment JCA Section

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 20th February, 2017

Subject: Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission's recommendations.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DoPT’s OM of even number dated 16/8/2016 and to incorporate the following modification in the definition of anomaly:

"Where the Official Side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that the vertical and horizontal relativities have been disturbed as a result of the 7th Central Pay Commission to give rise to anomalous situation."

2. With the incorporation of the above para in the O.M., the definition of anomaly will read as follows:
(1) Definition of Anomaly
Anomaly will include the following cases;
a) Where the Official Side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any recommendation is in contravention of the principle or the policy enunciated by the Sixth Central Pay Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason;

b) Where the maximum of the Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to the applicable Grade Pay in the Pay Band under the pre-revised structure as notified vide CCS(RP Rules 2016, is less than the amount an employee is entitled to be fixed at, as per the formula for fixation of pay contained in the said Rules;

c) Where the Official side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that the vertical and horizontal relativities have been disturbed as a result of the 7th Central Pay Commission to give rise to anomalous situation.
3. The rest of the content of the O.M. dated 16.08.2016 shall remain unchanged.
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
Click to view the order
Authority: http://dopt.gov.in/

Sunday, 4 December 2016

1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee

1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee

The 1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 01.12.2016 on the anomaly of calculation of the disability pension for Defence Forces Personnel as per the recommendations of the 7th CPC. The representative of the Armed Forces made a presentation in the meeting demanding that the recommendations of the 7th CPC to grand disability pension on a slab system if implemented will lead to an anomaly between the civilian side and the Defence Forces Personnel because the civilian side will continue to be governed under a percentage based system. After studying the presentation, the Staff Side of NC-JCM has suggested that the slab system will be beneficial to the lower Rank personnel and hence both the slab system and percentage system may be accepted by the Govt. on an optional basis, alternatively the slab amount recommended by 7th CPC can be increased to avoid the anomalous situation. Secretary (P) informed that the issue would be further studied in consultation with CGDA.

Source: Confederation

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