Revision of 7th CPC allowances of teachers, equivalent academic staff, Registrars, Finance Officers and Controller of Examinations in Universities and colleges - MHRD
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
New Delhi, dated the 28th January, 2019
To,The Secretary,
University Grants Commission,
Bahadursh ah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi- 110 002.
Subject: Revision of allowances of teachers, equivalent academic staff, Registrars, Finance Officers and Controller of Examination in Universities and colleges as per recommendations of 7th CPC-regd.
In continuation of this Ministry's letter No.1-712015-U.ll(1) dated 02.11.2017 and fetter No.1-712015-U.II(2) dated 02.11.2017, it is informed that that the Government of India have decided, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), to revise the rate of allowances of teachers, equivalent academic staff, Registrars, Finance Officers and Controller of Examinations in Central Universities and colleges thereunder and Centrally funded Deemed to be Universities on the basis of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, with immediate effect.
2. It has been decided that the rates of the allowances admissible during the 6th CPC shall be revised in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Expenditure's OM No.1/1/2016-E-III(A) dated 26th July, 2017, read with Department of Expenditure's Resolution dated 06.07.2017 and the Government orders issued in the matter, for teachers, equivalent academic staff, Registrars, Finance officers and Controller of Examinations in Central Universities and colleges thereunder and Centrally funded Deemed to be Universities
3. It is also informed that the rate of Special Allowances for the post of Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor and College Principals has been revised by a factor
of 12.25 and the revised Special Allowances are as follows:
S.No | Post | Revised Special Allowance per month |
1 | Vice-Chancellor | Rs.11,250/- |
2 | Pro Vice-Chancellor | Rs.9,000/- |
3 | Principals in PG college | Rs.6,750/- |
4 | Principals in UG collese | Rs.4,500/- |
4. This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Division vide Dy. No.267/IFD dated 28th January,2019.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Renuka Mishra)
Source: MHRD(Dr. Renuka Mishra)