APAR of top management incumbents of CPSE and revised benchmarking of the grade from the year 2017- 18
F. No. 18(1)/2013-GM
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries
and Public Enterprises
Department of Public
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 1st June,
Subject: Writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards
The undersigned is directed to state that in order to correlate the earlier and the new system of award of MoU scores with the system of awarding APAR rating/grade and to ensure that the overall grades are properly calculated in APARs, it has been decided to change the system of award of grade for APAR attributes and benchmarking of grade as contained in para 6 and 7 of Section III and para 10 of instructions of extant guidelines dated 5.4.2010.
2. The revised para 6 and 7 of Section III (Assessment of the achievements made against the targets) and Assessment of Personal Attributes and Functional Competencies) along with revised table for benchmarking of the Grade is enclosed.
3. All administrative Ministries/Departments are requested to take note of the above decision and bring it to the notice of CPSEs under their respective administrative control for information and compliance for completing the APARs of top management incumbents of CPSEs from the year 2017-18 onwards
Encl : As stated
(B.N. Mishra)
10. Benchmarking of the Grade
The overall grade obtained by the officer shall be benchmarked as under :
Outstanding 90-100
Very Good Less than 90 to 70
Good Less than 70 to 50
Fair Less than 50 to 33
Poor Less than 33 to 0
Source: Dpe
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